26th of November, 2022
Serpentine presents a special one-night concert at Cadogan Hall, London bringing RAFTS beyond the screen. Created over three years with residents of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, RAFTS explores stories of support in our everyday lives.
The concert interweaves storytelling, poetry and dance around a seven-song oratorio reflecting on work, mental health, home, recovery, and our environment.
The performance is narrated by Pilgrim’s collaborators and members of Green Shoes Arts Hugh, Carina, Liam, Butterfly, Katy, Dee, Mark, and Eddie. Additional voices join the chorus, including members of Barking and Dagenham Youth Dance and Project Well Being: a group for people experiencing homelessness in Boise, Idaho, USA.
The concert featured singers Robyn Haddon, Kayden Fearon and Declan Rowe John, accompanied by the London Contemporary Orchestra and Rory Pilgrim on harp and piano.
photographs by Matthew Ritson and Holly Smith